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Inspedium Inspedium

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy


Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. is an Online Service Provider under Title II of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. Section 512 (“DMCA”). Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. respects the legitimate rights of copyright owners and has adopted an efficient notice and take-down procedure as required by the DMCA and described below. This policy is intended to guide copyright owners in utilizing that procedure and guide webmasters in restoring access to websites that are disabled due to mistakes.

Notice to Owners of Copyrighted Works

The DMCA provides a legal procedure by which you can request any Online Service Provider to disable access to a website where your copyrighted work(s) appear without your permission. There are two parts to the legal procedure: (1) Writing a Proper DMCA Notice and (2) Sending the Proper DMCA Notice to Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd.’s Designated Agent.

How to Write a Proper DMCA Notice

A Proper DMCA Notice will notify Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. of particular facts in a document signed under penalty of perjury. To Write a Proper DMCA notice, please provide the following information:

– Identify yourself as either:

a. The owner of a copyrighted work(s), or

b. A person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

– State your contact information, including your TRUE NAME, street address, telephone number, and email address.

– Identify the copyrighted work you believe is being infringed, or if many works are appearing on a single website, a representative list of the works.

– Identify the material you claim is infringing your copyrighted work, to which you are requesting that Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. disable access over the World Wide Web.

– Identify the location of the material on the World Wide Web by providing information reasonably sufficient to permit Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. to locate the material.

– State that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agents, or the law.

– State that the information in the notice is accurate under penalty of perjury.

– Sign the notice with either a physical or electronic signature.

Sending The Proper DMCA Notice to the Designated Agent

To exercise your DMCA rights, you must send your Proper DMCA Notice to the following agent designated by Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. (the “Designated Agent”). The contact information for Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd.’s Designated Agent is:


Mr. Nazir Ahmed


Offices 601-604, Al-Fiza Glass Tower, Rashid Minhas Road, Karachi – 75300, Pakistan


abuse [@] inspedium.com

What We Do When We Receive A Proper DMCA Notice

Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. will follow the procedures provided in the DMCA, which prescribed a notice and take-down procedure, subject to the webmaster’s right to submit a Counter-notification claiming lawful use of the disabled works.

Notice and Takedown Procedure

All users of any part of the Inspedium Corp (SMC Pvt) Ltd. system are expected to comply with applicable copyright laws. However, suppose Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. is notified of claimed copyright infringement or otherwise becomes aware of facts and circumstances from which breach is apparent. In that case, it will respond expeditiously by removing or disabling access to the material claimed to be infringing or the subject of infringing activity. Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. will comply with the appropriate provisions of the DMCA if its Designated Agent receives a counter-notification.

Notice to Users of Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd.’s Services

Under the Terms of Service Agreement, you agreed to when you were permitted to become a Client; you must use only lawfully-acquired creative works as website content. Your website may be disabled upon receipt of notice that infringing material appears. Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. also respects the legitimate interests of webmasters in utilizing media content lawfully, being permitted to present a response to claims of infringement, and obtaining timely restoration of access to a website that has been disabled due to a copyright complaint.

Your usage privileges will also be suspended. You may protest a DMCA notice by submitting a Counter-notification as described below.

Writing and Submitting a Counter-notification

If access to your website is disabled due to the operation of the Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. notice and take-down procedure described above, and you believe the takedown was improper, you must submit a Counter-notification.

Writing a Counter-notification

To Write a Proper Counter-notification, please provide the following information:

– State that accesses to your website was disabled due to the operation of the notice and takedown procedure.

– Identify the material that has been removed and designate its URL before removal.

State, under penalty of perjury:

a. Your name, address, and telephone number,

b. That you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled due to a mistake or misidentification of the material.

c. That you consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal Court for the judicial district in which the address is located.

Sending the Counter-notification

To exercise your DMCA rights, you must send your Counter-notification to the “Designated Agent” for Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd., whose contact information is:


Mr. Nazir Ahmed


Offices 601-604, Al-Fiza Glass Tower, Rashid Minhas Road, Karachi – 75300, Pakistan


abuse [@] inspedium.com

Repeat Infringers

Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. may, at its discretion, use all appropriate means to terminate user access to its system or network who are repeat infringers.

Accommodation of Standard Technical Measures

Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd.’s policy to accommodate and not interfere with standard technical measures it determines are reasonable under the circumstances, i.e., technical measures that copyright owners use to identify or protect copyrighted works.

Policy About Non-Compliant Communications

Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. has the discretion to handle non-compliant notices in whatever manner appears to be reasonable, given the circumstances presented.

Submission of Misleading Information

The submission of misleading information of any sort in a notification or counter-notification submitted to Inspedium Corp. (SMC Pvt) Ltd. voids any claim of right made by the submitting party.